Tuesday, December 02, 2008
B sent me an email today telling me he's been offered a job in Toulouse France. Uh. Okay. I was all settled on DC and now Toulouse is suddenly an option? Seriously? I can't imagine moving O and Hendog to France. Oh me. Oh my. I'm a-dying to talk to B.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I keep meaning to pick up The Mindfulness of Being so that I can better learn to just be present. I need help on this front. I don't want to keep thinking and reaching for tomorrow when today is perfect just the way it is.
More to come on this...
Just sent out a few emails to friends that needed to be sent
Taking Owen trick-or-treating tonight
Brow wax tonight
Haircut on Saturday
Catching up at work
Healthy family
Feeling creative
Making holiday gifts
Amazing, gifted, fun husband who'll be here this weekend!
50 days to vacation!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
I'm sitting at my desk taking a quick little lunch breather and thought I'd put this up. I love colors of this photo and thought I'd share it.
Owen is doing a pretty good job sitting on his own these days. He'll be just fine and then all of a sudden you see he gets tired of using his core muscles, and he'll just kind of keel over. No bruises or accidents at this point- just surprising to the poor chap.
I'm most delighted because mom just bought our tickets home for a summer holiday. We're going to try to cram in as much as we can, see as much of the state, visit as many friends as possible in the short time we are in Oregon.
I'm toying with the idea of having another "Tour of Oregon" Dinner party soon. Last time I did Tillamook cheese, broccoli soup, shrimp boats, a side of salmon, Oregon wine, and blueberry cobbler. What could I do this time? I'll play Pink Martini- they're a nice Portland export.
Nothing earth shattering here- just wanted to move forward. Is that completely vain to just post to post?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
That being said, big things have happened in a year. Instead of going through everything, I'll just pick up where I am now. 5+ months pregnant. With a growing stomach, and a baby who kicks and moves a heck of a lot. A baby boy. And a husband who has described this whole pregnancy experience as "like jumping out of an airplane." I couldn't be happier, healthier, more comfortable in my newest state of being. And we are both super excited to meet our son.
I start a new job on Monday, working as the program coordinator for the department head in Chemistry, and life is just grand.
I'll see how this posts and I'll come back later for more.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
It is the end of the work week, I am feeling a bit worn down- like I need to just a nap, and there is still so much to get done for the week... That is one of my least favorite things about being an adult. I dont' get to take enough naps.
We saw an amazing concert on Monday afternoon- Neko Case. She is wee, but mighty. B says her voice howls. I say its a bit Patsy Cline, a bit that girl in school who was too cool to approach. Check out her site for a pretty good idea of who she is, what she does: http://www.nekocase.com/
The whole reason we went to this concert is that I really am trying to live my life by the mantra:
What the hell.
And it has served me well.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Flying Tortillas, Jerry Bruckheimer, and
A Four-Generation-Graduation Party....
What a wonderful, dizzying, delicious, laughter-drenched weekend we had! Dave and Corryn were in town with little Nathan for Meggawatt's graduation from the U. We had so much fun doing nothing but just being, and just being together. I never laugh so hard as when we're together, and my laughter is never quite as sweet as when it is shared with them.
We swam with Nathan on his first trip to the pool (8 months old!), ate more than I care to recall, drank good wine (and the boys good whiskey), celebrated a success of Megs, laughed, and threw a rather dashing party. People, by the end of the evening, were just lounging on blankets on the lawn. It was classic.
I fell in love with little Nathan. He is now the apple of my eye, and man alive, that boy can smile. Who knew that giving a baby a bath in the kitchen sink could make for such entertainment?
Can't wait to be back with them once again, and my life will feel just that much fuller.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
Anaïs Nin
Isn't that just the loveliest?
There is a link to the poem of the day, which ought to be a decent way to start to familiarize myself with some of the biggies out there. My sister is a fan of Charles Bukowski, but he seems rather harsh to me.
I had a boyfriend once who wrote me the most devestating poems when we had broken-up. I have never felt like I had been slapped in the face, and I swear I can still feel the sting sometimes. I think it was really an exposed and vulnerable place to be.