Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm sitting at my desk taking a quick little lunch breather and thought I'd put this up. I love colors of this photo and thought I'd share it.

Owen is doing a pretty good job sitting on his own these days. He'll be just fine and then all of a sudden you see he gets tired of using his core muscles, and he'll just kind of keel over. No bruises or accidents at this point- just surprising to the poor chap.

I'm most delighted because mom just bought our tickets home for a summer holiday. We're going to try to cram in as much as we can, see as much of the state, visit as many friends as possible in the short time we are in Oregon.

I'm toying with the idea of having another "Tour of Oregon" Dinner party soon. Last time I did Tillamook cheese, broccoli soup, shrimp boats, a side of salmon, Oregon wine, and blueberry cobbler. What could I do this time? I'll play Pink Martini- they're a nice Portland export.

Nothing earth shattering here- just wanted to move forward. Is that completely vain to just post to post?

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